by Kai
Dear Beautiful People,
I believe peace is a goal that we, as human beings, as one race, could create. We could create a movement and thereby cause a ripple in awareness. How? Well, I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and I believe I found the answer.
How many people would answer this question with option two: “Would you rather have peace or rather live in war?”
I believe most people would choose peace.
Creating global peace is not something that happens overnight.
However, we can make a statement by showing the world we prefer love instead of hate.
Use the social media influencer marketing tool used by Fire Festival. They asked influencers to change their profile pictures on Instagram, Facebook, etc. into an orange field on one specific day. To promote peace, we could do a similar thing—contact influencers all over the globe, asking them to participate in the “make love not war global peace movement.”
We would ask them to change their social media profile into a white field. Then they would ask their followers to do the same. All of this would be done on one specific day—Free Day—in order to create a ripple effect. The aim would be to reach out to millions of people, having them all change their social media profile into a white box.
Wouldn’t it be great if all social media networks—Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.—turned white in the name of peace? (Approximately 2.8 billion people are on social media.) The date to choose is obvious: 21 September 2020—the International Day of Peace.
Step 1:
Make a list of influencers who are willing to join the movement . . .