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Adya Mukti


Path through forest

Our Community

During these extraordinary times, we hope you will consider Open Gate Sangha a sanctuary—a place of rest, renewal, and replenishment of spirit, offering a universal ground where everybody is respected equally; a shared space where spirit can be fully present and accepted—where whatever is in your heart can be revealed.

“While sangha usually refers to a spiritual community associated with a particular tradition or religion, people who make up our sangha are from various faiths and backgrounds. The spirit of our sangha is a mutual interest in the exploration of spiritual truth outside of the context of a particular tradition, religion, or teaching. There is an openness to it. These teachings seem to resonate with those who want to get to the real core of spirituality and are looking beyond exterior trappings for a more unencumbered expression of Truth.” ~ Adyashanti

We stand for racial equality and social justice. We are for finding actions that speak as loudly as words, perhaps even louder than words. We are for creating together a more inclusive sangha experience for everyone. . . .  Read Our Statement on “Antiracism, Inclusion, and Open Gate Sangha: What We Are For and What We Are Doing

Our Mission

Open Gate Sangha supports the teachings of Adyashanti and Mukti by making them available to all who sincerely yearn for peace and freedom.

Founded in 1996 in the San Francisco Bay Area, Open Gate Sangha today reaches people around the world who are naturally drawn to the sincerity and depth of Adyashanti’s and Mukti’s message. Our staff and many dedicated volunteers work together to bring these teachings forward through . . .  More

Our Teachers

Our teachers, Adyashanti (which means “primordial peace”) and Mukti (which means “liberation”) have both taught throughout North America and Europe, and offer talks, weekend intensives, silent retreats, online live video broadcasts, and online courses.